In LANS, S.A. DE C.V., We recover debts of every economic sectors, as well by the friendly way as by the legal precedure.
Our managements embrace since the first contact by the phone or written way with the debtor, through hte presentation of a legal request, by visiting the debtor, localization of the debtor, guarantor, subdebtor, and other references, search of solvency.
We study your needs and it deppends of nature of hte debt (antiquity, total cost, previous managements, delivery time management, etc.) using the most appropriate tools.
To the development of an effective recovery management, this labour make use of an extended call-center, with specialyzed staff in their respective areas of management, that have as base of their work an Ethic and responsible behaviour, more over, blesseding of now a day in use thechnology that make their work easier in function of the volume of documents and the kind of management entrust by our customers.
Our call-center count with complete infrastructure of communications of the country, whirch allow us integrate in line with the tools of recovery more useful and effective like: Credisystem, Gestion 21, Fox Pro, and others, besides, we count with phone terminals that allows the distribution and organizarion of phone calls with priorities, intervals and retries that show up you updating, in line, the information in the computer application.
Our regular schedule of the call-center service is from Monday through Saturday from 08:00 to 18:00 hours, taking the possibility of make it longer or reduce it by petition and in concordance with our customers.
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