Our company is a company Capital Variable, formed by several partners all lawyers and notaries authorized by the Supreme Court and the free exercise of the profession and other lawyers who are part of our staff, the purpose of our society, among others, is the Consulting Consulting all materials and large branches of law, Counseling and Consulting that can be imparted to both natural and legal persons as well as government institutions and Non-Governmental or any other natural or juridical person requiring any transaction or advice legal matter that is, or whether these Corporate Business, Criminal, Trade, Education, Civil, tenancy, transit, Administrative, Constitutional, Human Rights, International Law, Land Law, Law of Aeronautics, judicial and extrajudicial Recovery, etc..
Nationality Salvadoran
Entered in the Register of Commerce to Number 10 of the Book of the Register of Societies 1449
Entered in the Municipal Mayor of San Salvador
Entered in the Directorate General of Census and Statistics from the Ministry of Economy
Registrations of Social Trader force duly entered in the Register of Commerce
Entered in the Ministry of Finance as Contributor of Value Added Tax and the income tax and other legal requirements to a company with variable capital.
Business Administration, companies, transnational corporations, from the legal standpoint, under matters of Commerce, office or notary, registration, taxation, penal, labour and so on.
Recovery of judicial and extrajudicial debits both natural or juridical person either through pressures of extrajudicial efforts, through our collection through the courts and ombudsmen initiation, prosecution and fenecido of any order or judgement processes Executives Mercantile whether or Civil in order to recover the owed either first or second instance or even in the Supreme Court.
Advice on the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Rules and representation in criminal proceedings either as accuser, complainant, complainant or defender.
Building projects Laws to be submitted to the Honourable Legislature to ventilate interests of our clients.
Mounting Legal company with all the requirements of the Act in the records public, private and institutions.
Everything concerning procedures in registering the root Property & Mortgages, the Register of Commerce, Corporate, patents and inventions and intellectual property registrations, trademarks, etc..
All our services are offered or provided by Legal Technical Specialists in the field specifies that may be required, our company has more than ten years of experience in the field of legal to do, and so on.
Representation judicial and extrajudicial both natural and legal persons, companies, corporations, Franchise International Cooperatives, Federations, guilds and associations of private enterprise, etc.., In these processes or steps:
Business Administration, companies, transnational corporations, from the legal standpoint, under matters of Commerce, office or notary, registration, taxation, penal, labour and so on.
Recovery extrajudicial or judicial applied to corporations, companies or individuals, financial institutions, banks, etc..
Process Executive, Commercial, Civil and any material incurred in executing (Embargo).
Measures relating Mercantile not contentious, arbitration proceedings, Dissolution and Liquidation Company, Replenishment Judicial Securities.
Opposition of all kinds of exceptions in Civil and Commercial Matters.
Carrying out all kinds of Civil conciliatory hearing, Labor, Criminal, etc..
enforcement of judgments in any field.
Measures of Appointment of Curator.
Measures of Surrender and auditing, demarcate necessary
Statements Contest, Measures of partition of property, notifications and assignments of receivables.
Everything concerning procedures in the Land Registry root & Mortgages.
Trademark Licenses, or expressions of Advertising Signs Commercial, Trade Names, Emblems, geographical indications, etc..
All matters relating to the Banking Act.
All matters relating to the law of purchasing and contracting of Public Administration.
All matters relating to international law applied to Comparative Law
Law of computing.
Criminal prosecution of both the legislation repealed as of the force, regardless of the crime to be investigated or defend well protected and that interests represented.
All kinds of work processes.
All kinds of care or process in traffic accidents.
All kinds of processes in terms of Family Disputes such as Divorce or non-contentious measures of protection in Family Violence, custody of minors, etc…
All kinds of processes and Ordinaries Summaries in civil matters such as Prescription Processes, Processes Nullity of Public Instruments, processes claims for extra titles, annotations preventive
Trials posesorio, easements, Claims, Succession,
REVOCATION and Rescissions.
All kinds of acts, contracts and affidavits whether writings, prosecution, legalizations signature, certifications, etc..
Licensing Examination of all kinds to the mayors of the Republic of El Salvador and lodging appeals with municipal regulations.
Ventilation of all types of cases in terms of tenancy.
proceedings, Habeas Corpus, constitutional, Processes Inconstitucionalidad, appeal, etc.. From knowledge of the Honourable Supreme Court.
All matters relating to registration of Trade, Mergers, Acquisitions, Change names, powers, appointments, registration Franchise, Etc. ...
Conference on Civil Liability: Medical Liability.
Day on some innovations Bankruptcy Law.
V Conference on Human Rights.
Day of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure.
Trade and Contracting Office.
Development Cooperation: Problems, concepts, projects.
European Court of Justice.
Course on reports and documents of the European Union.
Basic Concepts for Development of Electronic Government Strategies
Seminars The Judicial Training School
Offences relating to public finance
Values Titles
Procedural acts.
Evidence in the civil proceedings
Course on International Trade Law.
Course constitutional basis of administrative law.
Seminar Update criminal procedure.
Seminar on Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure.
Ibero-American Conference on Law Reform (Family Law).
Management Change Management for 2000.
Seminar course of cassation.
Course Tax law.
Course on alternative dispute resolution, mediation, conciliation and arbitration business.
Course on double jeopardy in terms of Civil Procedure in El Salvador.
Course on the Constitutional Court on Habeas Corpus.
Seminar on appeal in Family Law.
First Congress of Criminal Sciences student, Constitutional Law and Human Rights.
Course on Criminalistics.
Presentation of the draft Code of Criminal Procedure.
Seminar on the Law of activities related to drugs.
Course on theory of crime.
Seminar Test in the Civil Procedure.
Course continued on the draft Code of Criminal Procedure.
Course on interrogation techniques.
Seminar on violence against women and children.
Seminar update legal.
Seminar update and incorporation of the right computer.
Training in processing, appeals and representation of public and private tenders.
Recovery Seminar telephone and personnel in difficult times.
Trademark, patent and records in El Salvador.
Training on notarial law.
Oral techniques in criminal proceedings.
The Intellectual Property in El Salvador, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas "(UCA), November, 2003.
Specialization right Registry, Tax and Criminal Procedure
Investigative techniques, quantitative methods and statistics
Course of Forensic Medicine.
Training in oral and Structure of the Criminal Process, Education, Civil, Commercial and Family in El Salvador
Specialization Course in notarial law.
Banking Training Collection
Training on interest from bank accounts and management accounts for recovery efforts.
Training on Customer Service.
Open Prison and Freedom assisted in El Salvador.
Ethics and role of judges peace in El Salvador.
All about Mercantilismo.
Procedural Law on Family Law.
Managing Interpersonal relationships .
University of Navarra.
Centre for European Studies.
Institute of Advanced Studies for the americas (INEAM) of the OAS
Bank One in El Salvador.
University of El Salvador.
Rehabilitation Centre Family and Community (CREFA)
Attorney General of the Republic.
Ministry of Justice.
Ministry of Finance.
Attorney General of the Republic.
Court of Auditors of the Republic.
Federation of bar associations.
Technical Unit executor of the Circle of Advocates.
School of judicial training.
Counsel for the defence of human rights.
National Academy of Public Security, National Civil Police.
Supreme Court.
Institute for the Study of Women.
Foundation studies for the application of the law.
American Institute of Business.
Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas"(UCA).
Institute of Forensic Medicine.
Among others. Etc..
Lic. Luis Alonso Navarrete Soto
A lawyer and notary. Specialist treatment corporate, everything relating to the Register of Commerce and the Law on Tenders and Administrative Law.
Lic. Axel Renato Mariona Fogelbach
Lic. Omar Adalid Flores Mercado
Advocate. Specialist Corporate Law, and Intellectual Property Registry.
Dra. Veronica Bustillo
And other lawyers. (Please see our partners and associates).
Lic. José Rodolfo Cisneros
Los Teques, S.A. de C.V.
Phone: (503) 2277-9023, 2227-3472
Lic. José Andrés Hernández
La Única, S.A.
Phone: (503) 2282-1162
Licda. Patricia Arteaga
Gerente de Cobranzas Banco Davivienda S.A.
Phone: (503) 2556-2557
Lic. Conrado Rovira
Corporacián Pirámide S.A. DE C.V.
Phone: (503) 2212-6000
Licda. Astrid Navarro
Gerente de Finanzas de Agroindustrias Lácteas Los Quesos de Oriente, S.A. de C.V.
Phone: (503) 2420-6811
Lic. Luis Alonso Navarrete Soto
Single Manager and Legal Representative.
e-mail: lans@lanslawglobal.com
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